Informals Lecture

Monday 4 July

Introduction to Design Rights

When and where

Date and time

Start: Monday 4 July 2022, 05:30 PM

End: Monday 4 July 2022, 06:30 PM


Marks & Clerk LLP, 1 New York Street, Manchester, M1 4HD

Event Overview

The 2022 Informals foundation Lectures continue in Manchester with Introduction to Design Rights given by Greg Carty-Hornsby. The lecture will also be broadcast by Zoom.

To attend in person

Please confirm your attendance. There will be a limit of 47 places.

• Please bring and wear a face mask inside the building
• Please do not attend in person if you have any Covid symptoms even if you booked

To join the broadcast:

Go to https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81362231276?pwd=SXU3M2FGN2tCZkhCa2VCU3lvaTVjQT09


Go to https:/zoom.us/join
On the Welcome page enter the webinar ID: 813 6223 1276 and click “Join”.
Enter your name, email address and the passcode 169093

Recordings of the lectures will appear on the lecture archive


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