Notice for PEB Final Diploma Candidates
PEB Final Diploma Examinations – Revised Examinations
The Patent Examination Boad (PEB) submitted its application for re-accreditation of the Final Diploma (FD) to the Intellectual Property Regulator (IPReg) in 2022. IPReg re-accredited the FD examinations subject to PEB meeting 19 requirements and two recommendations. As a result, the PEB has carried out a full review of all four FD examinations.
The review has taken into account IPReg’s requirements and recommendations, the recommendations of the Mercer Review and responses to the Consultation on the new FD examinations that was carried out in July and August 2024.
The Report on the Consultation on PEB Final Diploma Proposed Changes and the PEB’s Response to the report’s key findings can be found below.
The proposed syllabi, specimen question papers and specimen mark schemes can be found here
The new syllabi will be examined for the first time in October 2026. The October 2025 examination session will be the last time that the current FD syllabi will be examined. After this session there will be no further opportunities to take the FD examinations in the current format.
There will be no changes to the Foundation Certificate examinations in 2025.
Candidates and training leads should refer to the PEB website for up-to-date information on the new FD examinations.