
Thursday 22 October

Communication and Emergency Provisions at the IPO

When and where

Date and time

Start: Thursday 22 October 2020, 11:00 AM

End: Thursday 22 October 2020, 12:00 PM

Event Overview

This seminar will detail the options available to customers and the Intellectual Property Office when problems arise, and recap some of the mitigating measures that the Office has implemented in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.


IP Paralegals


Aquila Brandon-Salmon, Intellectual Property Office (IPO)

Aquila Brandon-Salmon, Intellectual Property Office (IPO)

Aquila is a legal adviser in the Intellectual Property Office’s Legal Section, providing advice on issues pertaining to digital transformation and non-substantive patent matters. Prior to this, Aquila was a patent examiner who worked in the technical area of hydrocarbon extraction.

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Communication and Emergency Provisions at the IPO

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