
Friday 3 December

Enhanced guidelines for the examination of AI related patent applications at the UK IPO

When and where

Date and time

Start: Friday 3 December 2021, 12:30 PM

End: Friday 3 December 2021, 01:30 PM

Event Overview

The UK Government is committed to making the UK a leader in Artificial Intelligence technology. To support this, the UKIPO issued a call for views to better understand the implications AI might have for Intellectual Property (IP) policy. Many of the respondents to that call for views emphasised the need for more clarity as to how the UK IPO examined patent applications in this area. The UKIPO therefore agreed to first review its patent practice in this area and to establish any difference in outcome for AI patent applications filed at the IPO and the European Patent Office (EPO) and then publish enhanced guidelines on patent exclusion practice for AI inventions. The webinar will present the findings of that review together with discussing the new enhanced IPO guidelines.

This webinar is organized by the CIPA computer technology committee.

Please note the new date of this webinar, it was originally due to be presented on the 3rd November.





Phil Thorpe, UK IPO

Phil Thorpe, UK IPO

Phil Thorpe is a Deputy Director at the UK Intellectual Property Office with responsibility for patent practice.  He is also an inter-partes hearing officer and has responsibility for the IPO’s Opinion Service During his 30 years with the IPO, Phil has been heavily involved in IP policy including representing the UK in the TRIPS Council. He has been seconded to the EU Commission where among other things he worked on the Community Patent Regulation and was also seconded to the secretariat for the UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights.

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Enhanced guidelines for the examination of AI related patent applications at the UK IPO

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