
Monday 21 February

Ensuring lawyers’ ongoing competence – what more is needed?

When and where

Date and time

Start: Monday 21 February 2022, 12:30 PM

End: Monday 21 February 2022, 01:30 PM

Event Overview

This is an opportunity to hear from the Legal Services Board, the oversight regulator for legal services in England and Wales, on what proposals for new requirements to ensure legal practitioners are competent throughout their careers mean for you.

Over the last two years, the LSB has gathered evidence on whether the frontline legal regulators have the right tools in place to ensure that the practitioners they regulate have the necessary and up to date skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours to provide good quality legal services. Following extensive research with consumers and into requirements adopted in other sectors and in other jurisdictions, the LSB has determined the status quo in the legal services sector is not best serving the public interest or the interests of consumers.

In this session, the LSB will share its insights and explain the rationale behind the proposed new requirements. The LSB is proposing that regulators will use a range of data and feedback to regularly assess levels of competence and make appropriate interventions, e.g. spot checks, training requirements and accreditation, to ensure standards are maintained. It also expects that regulators should take suitable remedial action when standards of competence are not met by individuals.

Please note: Unfortunately we will only be able to provide you with the slides and not the recording after the event.




Robin Geddes, Legal Services Board

Robin Geddes, Legal Services Board

Robin Geddes is a Regulatory Policy Manager at the Legal Services Board. He supports the LSB’s work on ongoing competence and leads work on improving information for consumers. He has a background in regulation, with previous roles at Ofcom and the BBC.


Margie Mccrone, Legal Services Board

Margie Mccrone, Legal Services Board

Margie is a Regulatory Policy Manager at the Legal Services Board and is responsible for the LSB’s work on ongoing competence. She has previously held a range of regulatory, government affairs and consulting roles in the UK and New Zealand.

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Ensuring lawyers’ ongoing competence – what more is needed?

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