Date and time
Start: Monday 24 February 2025, 12:00 PM
End: Monday 24 February 2025, 02:00 PM
Monday 24 February
Start: Monday 24 February 2025, 12:00 PM
End: Monday 24 February 2025, 02:00 PM
This webinar will provide an update for employers on the proposed new PEB FD syllabi and examinations, particularly in response to the consultation exercises. This will include the proposed schedule for implementation. There will be an opportunity to raise questions for the PEB regarding the plans for the future of the FC and FD examinations and how PEB could enhance support for candidates.
The Patent Examination Board (PEB) submitted its application for re-accreditation of the Final Diploma (FD) to the Intellectual Property Regulator (IPReg) in 2022. IPReg re-accredited the FD examinations subject to PEB meeting nineteen requirements and two recommendations. As a result, the PEB carried out a full review of all four FD examinations. The review took into account IPReg’s requirements and recommendations and the recommendations of the Mercer Review. A consultation on the new FD examinations was carried out in July and August 2024, and a further opportunity to provide feedback was made available in November 2024. The response to the initial consultation, the proposed syllabi, specimen question papers and specimen mark schemes can be found on the PEB website.
In addition in December 2024, the PEB submitted its application for re accreditation of the Foundation Certificate.
Professor Stychin is the Lay Chair of the Governance Board of the Patent Examination Board. He is Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Professor of Law in the School of Advanced Study, University of London
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