
Tuesday 16 April

What to expect from IPO’s new patents service

When and where

Date and time

Start: Tuesday 16 April 2024, 12:30 PM

End: Tuesday 16 April 2024, 01:30 PM

Event Overview

A briefing for paralegals on IPO’s new patents service, including a demos of the new service and the latest on the changes you can expect to see. The sessions will include a Q&A where you can put your burning questions about the new patents service to the IPO.


IP Paralegals, Paralegals


Simeon Bowen, IPO

Simeon Bowen, IPO

Simeon is Communications Lead for the One IPO Transformation Programme. He has worked in public sector communications for over 10 years, having previously worked in a variety of comms roles at the Office for National Statistics and UK Statistics Authority. Simeon joined IPO two years ago and acts as a key link between IPO developers and customers. In his spare time, Simeon is an avid gamer and a Tae Kwon-do instructor.

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What to expect from IPO’s new patents service

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