This IP Ability event will explore two key issues surrounding the diagnosis of neurodiversity:
Understanding these issues will not only inform the people who receive or seek diagnoses, but also help their allies – including employers and colleagues – to build a more inclusive and supportive environment for them.
Confirmed speakers include:
This event is open to all UK-based IP professionals, including of course disabled and neurodiverse people and their allies. It doesn’t matter what type of organisation you work in, what role you play in it or what your career level.
Sign up here. If you would prefer not to use Eventbrite, please contact [email protected].
This event is free. So are all IP Inclusive’s resources. That said, they do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoy the event please consider contributing to the 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, the crowdfunding page is here. Or for more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit our general fundraising page here.