Tuesday, 14th June 2022 Our speaker will be Adrian Howes.
The British group of UNION is pleased to announce that our next dinner meeting on Tuesday, 14th June will feature Adrian Howes, Head of IP and Standards, IP Policy, at Nokia. With Nokia’s long history in telecoms IP, and its close involvement in the SEP / FRAND framework, Adrian will be addressing us on the topic:
“The Geopolitics of SEPs”
This is not just a topic for telecoms specialists – the global battle over communication standards and jurisdiction, and the increasing spread of the SEP / FRAND framework to other areas of technology, including the internet of things, and the metaverse is making this once backwater of IP law a hot topic at the highest levels of government. What is happening in the SEP world at the moment, and whether it even gets as far as digital platforms, life sciences and vaccine related matters, are questions that Adrian will be addressing. Everyone who wants to get the backstory should come along and hear what Adrian has to share.
Venue: This event will be held at le Café du Marche, Grenier Room (22 Charterhouse Square, Barbican, London EC1M 6DX). Places will be limited to 50 attendees only, so ensure to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
Time: Drinks from 6 for 6.30pm dinner, address by the speaker at about 8pm and a general question and answer/discussion session to finish by no later than 9.30pm.
Price: UNION-IP Members*: £65 per head
First time attendees: £65 per head
Non-members: £85 per head
Prices include a glass of sparkling wine/soft drink on arrival and two glasses of wine with dinner.
* Applicable to paid-up Members as at the end of 2021 (note: 2022 Membership renewal notices will be circulated shortly) as well as any new members joining for 2022.
Booking: Please book through EventBrite here.
NB: please make sure that, especially for block bookings, the names and email addresses of each individual attendee are given. Please pay by debit or credit card if at all possible – it is a great help to us if you are able to do so.
For any late bookings (after EventBrite bookings have closed on Thursday 9 June 2022), please contact Laura Street to see whether booking is still possible (phone 0207 616 7749; email: [email protected]).
(Please note: ticket refunds for cancellation at the discretion of the organiser and not generally available.