CIPA President says UK patent attorneys are ideally positioned as Unified Patent Court opens

After many years of planning and uncertainty, the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court system finally came into being today (1 June).

The Unitary Patent is expected to make gaining patent protection across Europe simpler and less expensive, while the UPC represents the biggest change to patent litigation in Europe in a generation.

CIPA President Daniel Chew said that the UPC represented uncharted territory for all representatives, but was confident that British Chartered Patent Attorneys were ideally positioned to play an important role.

He said: “UK patent attorneys retain rights of representation and have been looking forward to participating in the new system for a number of years. Our experience and skill set is second to none because of our strong record in European Patent Office oppositions and our national system that deals with infringement and validity in one proceeding, just like the UPC.

“We offer a number of unique advantages one of which is language, as most of the local UPC courts will use English – some of them exclusively. Also, central revocation actions will be in the language of the patent, and the majority of European patents are in English.

“UK patent attorneys will also have access to more litigation markets than others, with access to the EPO, the UPC and the UK. The UK’s IP system is very well regarded and it hosts plenty of the world’s top patent attorneys and IP lawyers.”

The European Patent Office has published this explainer on the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court.

Watch our video on why you should choose a UK patent attorney to represent you at the UPC.

Date published: 1 June 2023

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