At its inaugural meeting on 22 February 2022, the UPC Administrative Council adopted Rules on the qualifications that European Patent Attorneys must have before they can represent parties directly under Art. 48(2) UPC. The Rules include a list of qualifications that will be accepted during a transitional period of one year after the UPC Agreement comes into force. The list includes five qualifications from UK organisations:
Since a previous draft of the Rules was published in 2016, the UK has left the European Union. The final version of the Rules specify that the UK qualifications will only be accepted if they were gained before the end of the Brexit transition period, i.e. before 31 December 2020.
Matthew Critten, Chair of CIPA’s Litigation Committee, said:
“Following speculation that the UK-based qualifications would be deleted from the list, this is good news. European patent attorneys from across Europe have obtained these qualifications, and expected to be able to rely on them under the transitional provisions. The Administrative Council is right to recognise that expectation as legitimate.”
View the official documents of the inaugural meetings of the UPC Governing Bodies on the UPC website here.
Date Published: 22 March 2022