Dóra Máté

Learning and Development Manager

Staff Members

Dora is the Events and Professional Development Officer and joined The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys in May 2022.

Dora’s responsibilities include providing support to committees focusing on education and professional development (Education Committee, IP Paralegal Committee), full administrative support and running of IPPC (Introductory Patent Paralegal Course) and development, full administrative support and running of APPC (Advanced Patent Paralegal Course), planning and delivery of CIPA’s events e.g. seminars, webinars, regional, educational and social events, and assisting the Membership team as needed.

Before working at CIPA, Dora worked in the property sector for a London-based property developer company as a property and office manager. Dora has over 12 years of volunteer event coordinator experience for different organisations and charities.

Dora has a Master of Arts in Archaeology; Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary and a Bachelor of Arts in History, specialised in Archaeology; Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

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