7 May 2024
Two IPs in a Pod turns 4! For this anniversary episode, Lee and Gwilym are joined by the EPO’s Steve Rowan at the SCI building in Belgravia.
Join them as they talk unitary patents, SMEs, description amendments and much more.
This week Lee and Gwilym are joined by Dr Nike Folayan MBE, a Chartered Engineer in electronics...
The Pubcast is back! Lee and Gwilym are back in The Lamb London for this special Halloween episode...
What are the do's and don'ts of business development and marketing for IP firms? Bernard Savage from business development agency...
On this week's epsiode, Lee and Neil are joined by Matilda Memaripour and Ashley Tambe...
Two peas or not Two peas, that is the question... Or is it? Luke McDonagh, scholar of Intellectual Property Law at the London School of Economics...
We're still in The Lamb London! Joining us in the pub this week we have new council members Debbie Slater and Will Burrell, to talk about...
Can somebody please help Gwilym find out what a meme is?! This week we’re joined by Rebecca O’Kelly-Gillard to chat about...
Lee and Gwilym talk rock 'n roll, meeting different US Presidents, patent eligibility, the Unwired Planet UK court decision and its...
How does the patent system and the development of vaccines sit together? This week on Two IPs in A Pod, Anton...
Join us as we explore this compelling question with Rachel Free, an esteemed patent attorney and the Vice Chair of...