Date and time
Start: Thursday 25 April 2024, 12:30 PM
End: Thursday 25 April 2024, 07:00 PM
Thursday 25 April
Start: Thursday 25 April 2024, 12:30 PM
End: Thursday 25 April 2024, 07:00 PM
Radisson Blu Hotel, 107 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9BD
Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances the date of The Merseyside Meeting has moved from the 1 February 2024 to 25 April 2025 at Radisson Blu Liverpool.
Get ready to connect with fellow professionals at the Merseyside Regional Meeting. Discover exciting developments in IP, network with like-minded individuals, and gain valuable insights from our speakers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of Merseyside’s vibrant and dynamic community. Register now to secure your spot and be a part of the Merseyside Regional Meeting!
Programme to be announced shortly.
Alasdair has an unrivalled breadth of experience across the IP professions. A science and law graduate, he originally qualified as a barrister in the late 70s before going on to qualify as a patent attorney, a solicitor and a trade mark attorney.
Alasdair worked to introduce and structure the then new professional regulator, IPReg, travelling the country as Vice-President, President and Immediate Past President to gain consensus across the profession over the implementation of the new regulatory regime.
Since then he has kept an eye on regulation while promoting UK patent attorneys’ litigation skills (including working on CIPA’s first Litigation Skills Course and representing CIPA on the IP and Intellectual Property Enterprise Court User Committees), editing the CIPA Journal, assisting in organising Congress, chairing various CIPA committees, speaking at seminars and generally working to ensure CIPA and the UK patent attorney profession both remain world class.
Jemma is a Tax Partner, heading up the Hazlewoods’ Innovation team. She qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant in 2006 and as a Chartered Tax Adviser in 2010. She joined Hazlewoods in 2011 to focus on Corporate Tax aspects of innovative businesses.
As well as specialising in R&D tax credits and Patent Box, Jemma advises clients on a wide range of other tax aspects particularly relevant to innovative businesses.
She works with clients across a broad range of sectors including manufacturing, engineering, food & drink, software, cyber security, aerospace and defence.
Debbie works as a patent attorney with Prevayl Ltd: a new company developing wearable technologies. She is a member of the CIPA Council, vice chair of the CIPA education committee and co-Editor of the CIPA Patents Training Manual.
Justyn Hardcastle has 12 years’ experience in helping businesses – from start-ups to multinational corporations – to protect themselves against the financial impact of intangible asset risk including IP-related exposures, such as litigation costs and expenses, liability and business interruption and other financial losses.
Mr Hardcastle has worked as an Underwriter for a number of the leading Insurers in the London Market writing Cyber Insurance, Errors & Omissions Insurance and Intellectual Property Insurance. He now heads up the underwriting operation of Arch’s Intangible Assets team in London.
Simon is chair of the CIPA computer technology committee and a director of Altair IP. He has many years of experience working across the full spectrum of computing and has also performed research in electrical engineering and high energy astrophysics. He started his career as a patent attorney with IBM and was a partner for many years at D Young & Co LLP.
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