5 December 2023
The Pubcast is back! Lee and Gwilym are in The Lamb London with guest Sarah Rodriguez, who is a qualified patent attorney in the US, the UK, and Europe. Over some drinks, Sarah discusses case law, the inventive step and the differences between the jurisdictions.
Sir Colin Birss is among the most influential patent judges in the world and is UK intellectual property royalty. Hosts Lee...
On this week's epsiode, Lee and Neil are joined by Matilda Memaripour and Ashley Tambe...
Two IPs in a Pod brings you it's first ever Pubcast! It's a long awaited reunion for Lee and Gwilym as they record their first ever in-person episode...
We're still in The Lamb London! Joining us in the pub this week we have new council members Debbie Slater and Will Burrell, to talk about...
Who are Patent Seekers? Co-founder Tim Parry joins Two IPs in a Pod to talk about the services the company can provide to IP firms...
It all started with a dart board... Sport is a huge driver of innovation. You have to continuously innovate to perform better than your...
Where would the intellectual property system be without research and development? A strong R&D sector is...
Will the the Two IPs break America? Lee, Gwilym and producer Emily are in Atlanta to speak to delegates...
Join Lee and Gwilym as they welcome Immediate Past President of CIPA, Daniel Chew, back to the podcast...
Lee and Gwilym talk rock 'n roll, meeting different US Presidents, patent eligibility, the Unwired Planet UK court decision and its...