Introductory Patent

Paralegal Course

We were pleased to complete another year of the annual introductory training for Patent Paralegals in 2023. 

Registration for the course began in June with 162 candidates signing up to complete the course – approximately 12% fewer than the previous year.

The course followed the normal set schedule, with an introductory webinar for mentors, followed by the release of materials for the first unit.

Student and Mentor hubs were used to manage the course, this included supporting documents, activities, and webinars.

Two optional ‘face-to-face’ online tutorials were held where candidates had a chance to ask questions about the materials before the exam.

With examinations at the beginning of 2024, we wished all candidates the best of luck and ended 2023 looking forward to welcoming the successful ‘IPPC class of 2024’ into membership.

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