

We are proud of the thoughtful and informative content that we regularly post across social media. 

We aim to demystify patenting and intellectual property to the public in general and innovative SMEs in particular. We also use social media as an alternative way to communicate with members.

The following is a summary of the growth of our following across the main social media platforms in 2023:


@TheCIPA, @TheCIPAMembers

In 2023, our public X page (aimed at businesses and members of the public) reached 4,523, gaining 83 new followers over the year and receiving 91,534 tweet impressions (the number of times user saw the tweet). We saw over 46,000 profile visits. Our members’ only Twitter page (which features more focused information for our members) reached 160 followers and over 5,068 tweet impressions. It saw 5,000 profile views in 2023.


We uploaded a range of content aimed at raising awareness of intellectual property (IP) protection to the general public to our YouTube channel. Our YouTube videos earned 25,195 views over the course of the year. We gained 35 new subscribers taking our total to 513.


Our LinkedIn page increased by over 1,100 followers, bringing the total to over 5,123 followers. We had over 7,495 profile visits from 3,455 unique visitors.


We continued to post eye-catching posts and stories, growing followers from 263 to 337.


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