

Recognising the ever-increasing importance of social media in reaching audiences for our key messages, we continued to build our presence and grow our following across a range of platforms.

@TheCIPA, @TheCIPAMembers

In 2022, our public Twitter page (aimed at businesses and members of the public) reached 4,440 followers, gaining 140 new followers over the year and receiving 155,000 tweet impressions (the number of times users saw the tweet). We saw over 46,000 profile visits. Our members’ only Twitter page (which features more focused information for our members) reached 165 followers and over 5,000 tweet impressions. It saw 5,100 profile views in 2022.

Our most popular tweet, on our work with The Earthshot Prize, received 9,680 impressions, 610 engagements, 57 retweets and 393 likes.


The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

We uploaded a range of content aimed at raising awareness of intellectual property (IP) protection to the general public to our YouTube channel. This included episodes of our podcast Two IPs in a Pod, three new case study videos on IP environmental sustainability and an animated video on the representation rights of UK patent attorneys before the Unified Patent Court. This animation was also translated into Chinese, Japanese and Korean and distribued to our contacts across our key markets. Our YouTube videos earned 6,000 views over the course of the year, taking our overall channel views close to 60,000. We gained 50 new subscribers taking our total to 478.



The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

Our LinkedIn page increased by over 1,000 followers, bringing the overall total to over 4,000 followers. We received over 4,500 profile visits from 2,015 unique visitors.




On Instagram, our followers increased from 201 to 263.

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