Two IPs

in a Pod

CIPA’s podcast Two IPs in a Pod went from strength to strength in 2022. We published 16 episodes and welcomed 34 guests to talk about a wide variety of IP-related topics. Two IPs continued to grow in popularity, attracting listeners in 60 countries and reaching the top 25% most popular podcasts on our chosen hosting platform, Buzzsprout.

The most popular episode of the pod was the informative chat with Caelia Bryn-Jacobsen and Leythem Wall on all things related to the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court. The episode took a deep dive into the upcoming changes and what these mean for UK-based attorneys.

Other popular episodes included IP and Games with Gaetano Dimita of Queen Mary University of London, IP Litigation with Akash Sachdeva and how IP helped to facilitate the rapid development of COVID vaccines with Jennifer Brant and Mark Schultz, authors of the report Unprecedented: Innovation and the COVID-19 response.

2022 also saw the return of the Pubcast. Lee, Gwilym and the podcast team recorded three episodes at Ye Olde Mitre in Holborn. First up were IP lecturers from Queen Mary University, Duncan Matthews and Noam Shemtov. In a wide-ranging episode, Noam and Duncan spoke about AI and IP, how the IP academia can effect policy and the TRIPS vaccine waiver. Next was Charted Patent Attorney and IP music specialist Iain Russell and music copyright expert Nick Kounoupias. Together they discussed musical inventions, high-profile music copyright claims and how IP has changed the music industry. In the last of our epic five-hour recording session, Lee and Gwilym were joined by CIPA President Alasdair Poore, Vice-President Daniel Chew, Immediate Past President Alicia Instone and Lindsay Pike, Elliot Krishek and Ellie Lee Chiarella from the CIPA Informals.

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